Damascus Partners stands firmly behind the three core values that shape and guide daily operations and relationships: Do What’s Right, Respect Others, and Perform With Excellence. These simple yet essential values ensure the utmost integrity, delivering high quality services while following all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of business conduct, and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. It is what Damascus Partners’ clients and partners expect. Damascus Partners is committed to meet those expectations, and in turn trusts that all clients and partners will honor the same values.

We adhere to the highest Code of Ethics in all that we do, seek continuous improvement through education, belong to a network of trusted advisors, and actively support advocacy efforts. We freely accept the following obligations.

  • To help maintain confidences and protect the right to privacy.
  • To present, accurately and honestly, all essential facts to inform decisions.
  • To render timely and proper service to my family and ultimately their beneficiaries.
  • To continually enhance professionalism by developing my skills and increasing my knowledge through education.
  • To obey the letter and spirit of all laws and regulations.
  • To conduct all business dealings in a manner which would reflect honorably.
  • To cooperate with others whose services best promote the interests of family.